Opinion is the wilderness between ignorance and knowledge.
And, boy there are a lot of folks walking that wilderness these days!!!
More tidbits from our Guiding Documents as promised:
It is the 30th anniversary of the movie Speed. But could we keep down our basic impulses to emulate Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock. Let me say this again: The speed limit in RIE is 15 mph. That includes golf carts, Ricky Racer! Refrain from blowing through stop signs as well. Golf course workers are using the cart path and STOP means STOP. The course is now open. Start practicing safe driving now before someone gets hurt, especially one of us!
Please stop feeding stray cats in the neighborhood, it is luring in skunks that come to eat the cat food, which constitutes a nuisance for the community. Our Rules and Regs speak to General Restrictions regarding our duty to refrain from causing a nuisance to each other. Because your heart goes out to stray cats doesn’t mean your neighbors have to live with Pepe Le Pew and his friends.
If you have a construction crew or a group of friends helping you build a new house, congratulations and please remind them that they must perform daily site clean-up. Nails, dirt and other construction debris are out in the streets near construction sites.
Thank you, boys and girls for being good neighbors.
Mr. Rogers
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