Mr. Rogers’ Newsletter – July 2024

JULY 2024

Do you remember that before the internet it was thought that collective stupidity was
caused by the lack of information? Well….. it wasn’t that!

Good morning girls and boys. Won’t you let me be your neighbor? (Fred Rogers)
In the perpetual and optimistic ambition to educate us all regarding the community rules
so you don’t have to read more than one page at a time, here is July’s attempt. If the shoe

QUIET ENJOYMENT (7.13 CC&Rs) No one may engage in any abusive or harassing
behavior or any form of intimidation or aggression, whether verbal or physical, against
other Members, residents, guests, invitees, members of the Board, or the Association’s
management, employees, agents, or vendors. Whew! That was a mouthful!

In these days of high anxiety around the world let’s sit down, take a chill pill and remember
that we are all nice, normal people here who come from varying backgrounds and are living
in a wonderland of nature. I’m pretty sure we can all get along if we refrain from raising
divisive topics while comingling. Go vote for whomever you want to and go to whichever
religious affiliation floats your boat and leave the rest of us alone. We don’t care.

PETS We have cleaned up our act quite a bit. No new reports of pets running loose and
pooping on other people’s property have been noted. Remember no pets are allowed in the
swimming pool enclosure even if they are good boys. (9.4 CC&Rs) Nuisance. Members
shall be liable to the Association and other Members for any damage to person or property
or nuisance noise caused by the pets of such Members or their guests. And lastly…

NUDITY (CC&Rs 7.8) Public displays of nudity are prohibited. So let’s all admit that it’s
just not that cute any more, put your clothes on and go back inside for Pete’s sake!! Sheeesh!

Thank you, girls and boys for being good neighbors.

Mr. Rogers

Posted in 2024, Newsletter, Uncategorized.