River Island East Homeowners Association Sept. 2020
I wake up every day planning to be productive then a voice in my head says, “Haha, good one” and we laugh and laugh and take a nap.
The only word that accurately defines the last Board meeting is boring. I let them know, they promised to do better next time. I explain all this to you as a way of apologizing for a boring newsletter.
Here goes:
Irrigation issues at the main gate seem to have been remedied.
Halloween at the West gate has been cancelled.
Hydro-blasting the foliage on the trees in our Western Woodlands has been successful, safer and prettier.
The pool closes the end of October.
About the pile of dirt on Lot 30… Construction plans from the County have finally been approved. Construction of the retaining wall is imminent thereby using up the dirt pile as fill. Thank you for your patience.