River Island East Homeowners Association http://riehoa.com December 2020
Dear Santa,
This year pls give me a big fat bank account and a slim body. Please don’t mix those 2 up like
you did last year. Thank you.
It’s happening again! Repeat stories from last year during the holiday season. We know of one
burglary so far. Somebody left their purse in an unlocked car. Next morning the purse was
missing. Be vigilant about assuring all doors, windows, and vehicles are all locked at all times
and nothing provocative is visible.
By all reports, the Holiday Cart Parade was a big success again this year. A big fat THANK YOU
to Horace and Shirley Wells and to everybody else who helped organize and drive their carts,
Santa and Ms. Claus included. Next year we hope the River Island Country Club will be open
again so we can begin and/or end the parade with a little cheer in a glass.
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