Hello RIE Community Members,
It’s been a hot minute since a tributary has gone out. I hope everyone is having a great start to the 2022
year. I cannot believe spring has sprung.
Quite a few things to mention- some fun and some not so fun.
- Pets- We are a pet friendly community but don’t forget- Members are liable to the Association
and other Members for any damage to property or nuisance noise caused by the pets. Please make
sure your pets do not prevent the yard people from mowing your yard. More information on pets
can be found in the posted Rules and Regulations on RIEHOA’s website. - “Slow Your Roll”- Slow down and don’t forget to stop at the cart path.
- Anyone interested in writing the tributary? Contact Rita
- Upcoming Social Event- May 1st- Pool Celebration at 2:00- Potluck Style
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