RIEHOA Welcoming Committee – Upcoming Events

Upcoming events from your Welcoming Committee

We are almost half-way through April but here are some things to do here at RIE and at the
River Island Country Club.

• 4/14/21 Ladies Golf Classes at RICC for members and public at 5pm 4/14, 4/21, 5/5, & 5/12
Call Corey Gill at RICC 559-781-2917 to see if the class if full. Tee times scheduled at the Pro Shop 559-

• 5/1/21 RIE Pool Opening — Still under Covid-19 rules so more information will be coming soon.

• 5/1 or 5/2/21 Cinco de Mayo BYO picnic at the pool — date to be determined! Detailed information
coming soon! Meet your neighbors! We will have a sign-up sheet for future events & volunteers.

• 5/8/21 RICC Mixed Team Championship — 2-person teams of 1 male & 1 female, $100 per team
includes guest fees, cart, lunch after golf, mulligans and prizes. Signup at Pro Shop by 5/5/21.

• 5/20/21 River Island Women’s Golf Association presents “GOLDEN GIRLS TOURNAMENT” $55 per
person. Includes: golf fees, cart, light breakfast (pastries, fruit & coffee), and a luncheon choice of Hamburger,
Pulled-Pork Sandwich or Chicken Wrap. Silent Auction and Raffle too! Open for social guests for lunch,
auction & raffle (cost TBD). Signup by 5/10/21 with Linda Peterson at 559-359-7166 or via email


Questions? Call your Welcoming Committee Chair: Marty McCormick at 559-361-2498

Posted in 2021, Notices.