Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood – June 2024

June 2024

As I’ve grown older I’ve learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake.

Good morning boys and girls, let’s go play outside.

SPEED LIMITS (Rules & Regs) The posted speed limit inside our gates is 15mph. There have been 3 reports of a black Jeep traveling at very high speeds through the neighborhood. Nobody has been able to snag a license plate number yet, but we’re working on it. In the meantime, if you drive a black jeep or have a relative or friend who visits you in a black jeep, please ask them to keep it to 15mph. If it’s you, SLOW YOUR ROLL!!!

TRASH CONTAINERS (Rules & Regs) All trash containers shall be hidden from sight either in a garage or behind an approved fence enclosure. Some of us have a cubby hole for our trash cans that does not actually hide them from sight if driving by. Can you put a big potted plant or something in front of them? Perhaps add a gate in your fence enclosure for access. Otherwise you’ll need to store them in your already crammed full garage. I know it is crammed; don’t try to pretend it isn’t. And pleeeze bring your cans in from the street after they’ve been emptied. It has the look of a ‘trashy’ neighborhood. It reflects badly on the rest of us and affects our property values.

POOL UMBRELLA (Rules & Regs) The nice big fancy umbrella at the pool has been broken. Likely due to the last people who put it up did not crank it closed when they left. Wind happened. It broke. My personal opinion is that the HOA Board should stop buying nice things for the community because we don’t take care of what we have. This was a no brainer. Pun intended.

Thank you, boys and girls, for being good neighbors…
Mr. Rogers

Posted in 2024, Newsletter.